Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Rami Jaber

Sector : Sports, Athletes

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Male
  • key_age: 0
  • Резюме :


Finally, the Palestinian actor Rami Jaber was shot in a Hollywood movie, The Misfits, in the lead role with actor Pierce Borsnan, known as James Bond, Tim Roth, and Nick Cannon. The movie was shown in cinemas in America and Europe, won many awards, and topped the list of movies on ITunes.

The Palestinian young man, Rami Jaber, started a difficult start in the sport of rallying in his hometown of Palestine, while he was in his prime, not exceeding the third decade of his life. He did not wait long to take his chance in Palestine, to differ between his academic studies in computer engineering and his practical path in the sport of rallying, to add to it acting. Let it be the beginning towards stardom and internationalism. Let luck be on his side when he chooses to go international, armed with his abilities that helped him compete with international stars such as Pierce Brossan, Nick Cannon and Tim Roth, whether at the level of rally sports or at the level of acting, especially in the aspects of excitement and fun.
The name of Rami Jaber, the son of Palestine, shone in Europe and America as a world-class athlete and actor who mastered roles of excitement and entertainment among his worldly colleagues. There is no longer anyone who does not know that Arab prince who is proficient in what he does, so that the name of Palestine shines among those stars.

Jaber said during an interview with him: “I entered the world of rallying at first. During that period, I tried to develop the sport of rallying in Palestine by searching for support to develop that sport, as what was provided as simple support was not sufficient for the purpose, and based on that, I decided to leave the country and go to clubs in Europe, in addition to participating.” In international competitions and tournaments?

Then he added, “Here I had to go to one of the clubs abroad, and I started in Finland, and in a short period I obtained the necessary support from the city of Ulloa.”

Regarding his entry into the world of acting, Jaber said, “The beginning was by participating in some advertisements related to car rallying, so that my abilities and skills at the acting level were discovered by many directors and producers to enter the world of acting. After that, an offer was made to me by management to produce a role in one of the films.” Excitement and chase. Before that, I had participated in two films, one in Finland and the second in Paris, France.


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