Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Bruno Pesce

Bruno Pesce

Sector : Sports, Athletes

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Chile
  • Пол: Male
  • Born in:
  • key_age: 36
  • Резюме :


Bruno Pietro Pesce Rojas (born January 15, 1979 in Santiago, Chile) is a naturalized Palestinean football who plays for Olympia Agnonese in the Italian Serie D (Group F).


Pesce has played in Chile for Universidad Católica, Puerto Montt, Santiago Morning, Coquimbo Unido and Rangers, and in Italy for Andria BAT, Brindisi, Pomigliano and now in Olympia Agnonese.

Достижения и награды

Pesce has played in Chile for Universidad Católica, Puerto Montt, Santiago Morning, Coquimbo Unido and Rangers, and in Italy for Andria BAT, Brindisi, Pomigliano and now in Olympia Agnonese.

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