Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Moshir Almasri

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Male
  • Born in: 1978
  • key_age: 38
  • Резюме :


Born in 1978, married with 3 children.
 Deputy of the student union during his undergraduate studies
 1999 - Masters in political science from Islamic University
 Teacher at Islamic University
 Arrested several times
 Brother, Faris, killed
 Moved from Beit Lahiya in northern Gaza to Gaza City in 2005
 The youngest PLC member
 Former Hamas spokesman in Gaza before PLC election


Достижения и награды

Notable Quotations
“We tell our brothers in Lebanon: your victory is ours, the victory of Hizbollah is the victory of Hamas.”
--Al-Mustaqbal, August 18, 2006
“The Zionist state has no choice except the acceptance of the resistance conditions. It has no choice except submitting to the new reality that the resistance has created” – on the Shalit capture. -- Al-Mustaqbal, August 18, 2006
“Recognizing Israel is not on the Hamas agenda, and Hamas will not recognize Israel. When we talk about interim and tactical solutions, that doesn’t mean we will recognize the legitimacy of Israel. This is exactly what Sheikh Ahmed Yassin said 15 years ago.” --
''Hamas does not accept the principles expressed by (Mr Abbas) and does not accept the agreements as signed,''
--The Australian, February 20, 2006 “We don't seek to make Hamas activists of all Palestinians but to make all Muslims implement the word of God." --Jerusalem Post, July 15, 2006
"We affirm our commitment to fight the occupation with the appropriate means." --Jerusalem Post, June 27, 2005
The following quotations are from a June 26, 2005 Jerusalem Post article about conflict between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority over control of Gaza prior to the disengagement:  "Hamas has asked for the formation of a national committee tasked with dividing up the land evacuated by Israel, but no one trusts the PA to handle such property… The PA security branches breach all laws and confiscate land for their own use “.

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