Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Aseel Anabtawi

Aseel Anabtawi

Sector : Science, Scientists

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: United States
  • Пол: Female
  • Born in:
  • key_age: 52
  • Резюме :


Aseel Anabtawi (English: Aseel Anabtawi) is a Palestinian space scientist from Tulkarm in the West Bank, who holds US citizenship, and the United States Space Agency (NASA) since 1992, has taken over the global events missions for the global view of millions around the world, the space planet was the probe, the space probe , Space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space, space exploration, space exploration, Mars planet Mars in 1997, and she has also worked with the European Space Agency on related missions.

Aseel Anabtawi was born on August 15, 1969 to a family from the city of Tulkarm in the northwest of the West Bank. Her father is the engineer, Jamal Anabtawi, and her mother is the teacher, Hosnia Ibrahim Al-Ashqar, who worked as a teacher for many years in the schools of Tulkarm and the State of Kuwait.

In 1992 Aseel obtained a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering with distinction from "California State University" in the United States of America, and a master's degree in the same specialty from "Southern University" in California in 1996.

Достижения и награды

Exceptional Service Medal in 2007.

The Distinguished Work Medal in 2015, in recognition of her leadership of the "Cassini" space probe and its launch on Saturn.

Distinguished Achievement Award in 2018.

Individual Mars Science Laboratory Award, dated May 21, 2020, from NASA, in recognition of her leadership of the team responsible for launching a vehicle to Mars.


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