Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Mohammad Hallaj

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Male
  • Born in: 1932
  • key_age: 84
  • Резюме :


Born in Qalqilya in 1932; PhD in Political Science from the University of Florida (1966); taught at the Florida’s Jacksonville University until 1970, then at the University of Jordan, Amman, from 1970-75; returned to Palestine and became a Professor at Birzeit University from 1975-81, also serving as Dean of the Faculty of Arts, and later as Vice-Pres. of the university; left to the US for a sabbatical at Harvard University in 1981; was denied a work permit in the West Bank by Israeli authorities and settled in the US; published the magazine Palestine Perspectives from 1983-91; Director of the Center for Policy Analysis on Palestine, Washington, DC; was appointed to the PNC in 1991; served as head of the Palestinian delegation to the Multilateral Talks on Refugees following the 1991 Madrid Conference; Board member of PICCR; critical of the Oslo Accords and the PLO leadership; has written numerous articles on Palestine and (co-)authored a number of books, incl. Palestine: The Suppression of an Idea (1983), Palestine Is but Not in Jordan (1983), and A Profile of the Palestinian People (1990)


Достижения и награды

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