Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Monia Samara

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  • Страна местожительства: Palestine
  • Пол: Male
  • Born in: 1954
  • key_age: 69
  • Резюме :


Monia Samara (1954-2000) is a Palestinian author, writer, literary translator, and journalist. She was born in Tulkarm, Palestine. She wrote for most Arab newspapers, and corresponded with Palestinian newspapers from 1983 to 1990. She was a member of the Palestinian Folklore Committee, and prepared many television programs. For different Arab stations, she has a large collection of literary works, books and works, and she is also famous for her translation of my books “Nikos Kazantzakis’s Journey to Egypt” and “Nikos Kazantzakis’s Journey to Palestine.”


Her upbringing and biography

Monia Samara was born in the Palestinian city of Tulkarem in 1954. She received her education in the schools of her city, Tulkarem, then attended the university and obtained a bachelor's degree, and after completing her university studies, she obtained a master's degree in international relations.


Monia Samara wrote for most Arab newspapers, and corresponded with Palestinian newspapers from 1983 until 1990. She was also a member of the Palestinian Popular Heritage Committee, and prepared many television programs for various Arab stations.


Her writings and works

She has a large collection of literary works, books and works, including:


"Madragola", a play, 1979.

“Departure to the Interior”, a play, 1980.

"The Scenario of the Zionist Prisons", 1983.

"Mountain Flower", anime series, translation, 1985.

Miguel Letin: Filmmaker from Chile, translation, 1986.

"The Last Night", by Russian writer Vladimir Mayakovsky, translation, 1987.

"Palestine in Memory of the World", 1987.

A Letter to My Friends, translation, 1987.

Zionist Cinema Dictionary, 1988.

Marco Faldo, by Italo Calvino, translated novel, 1988.

"Israel's Fateful Decisions", translation, 1988.

“Fitness and fun games for children”, translation, 1988.

Against America, translation and preparation, 1989.

Crazy on the Roof, translation, 1989.

Journey to Palestine, by Nikos Kazantzakis, translation, 1990.

Journey to Egypt: The Valley and Sinai, by Nikos Kazantzakis, translation, 1991.

Desert Shield and the New World Order, translation, 1991.

“The River, the Sea, and What Between Them: The Unfinished Biography,” a poetry collection, 1992.

Biography of Aziz Nesin.

And other authors.


They said about it

Writer Muhammad Ahmad al-Zaher said about her: "She was a unique woman."

In 1996, the magazine "The Literary Position" issued by the Arab Writers Union stated that "the translations of Monia Samara and other writers have enriched the Arab library with a wonderful and important number of translated foreign books."




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