Success stories of Palestinian achievers from all over the world

Ahmad Dari

Личная информация

  • Страна местожительства: France
  • Пол: Male
  • Born in: 1964
  • key_age: 48
  • Резюме :


A Palestinian citizen from Jerusalem, Ahmad DARI was born in 1964 ; he did the first cycle of his primary school studies in Damascus, a town which has deeply influenced his attachment to Islamic art, and more particularly Arabic calligraphy, which is imprinted on the major historical and patrimonial monuments of the town. He left to France in 1985 in order to study Arts, and after having spent one preliminary year in studying Applied Arts in Lyon, he moved to Valence where he studied at "école des Beaux Arts de Valence" ; this training provided him with a particular interest in Arabic calligraphy and imbued him with the special techniques to help him make his own way to research and the development of a particular artistic identity in this specific field of Arts.

A second major step in his life was his permanent settlement in Paris in 1990, where he continued studying Applied Arts, specializing more particularly in the technique of colors, something which has definitely made it possible for him to reveal his own style which he – himself – has defined at the beginning of his academic career, and made of it a personal project subject to constant and long-lasting research, in view of achieving an artistic piece, the principles of which are based on the most priority basics of the Arabic letter, and in the sole objective of bringing a new modern and contemporary style, while preserving particularities and the fundamental instructions of traditional art of Arabic calligraphy.

Ahmad DARI has fulfilled and participated to numerous individual as well as collective art exhibitions, in France and worldwide ; just as he held workshops for adults and children as part of various festivals, multimedia activities, apart from creative artistic lounges.

He acquired important publications, worked in the field of artistic design and developed numerous logos and leaflets.

Достижения и награды

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